Providing Health Solutions
with a Powerful Pet Food Supplement that Restores and Maximizes Pet’s Health
We offer a potent bio appropriate diet supplement with probiotics and digestive enzymes for your pet.
“Let thy food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”
-Hippocrates, father of modern medicine 460-370BC
United States Food Supplements
Vibrant Pets® has been developed with small animal veterinarians, animal and human nutritionists, and animal feed experts.
We have over eight years of research and development expertise, along with over 10 years in the production of food supplements. With Vibrant Pets®, you will get to see an improvement in your pet’s health in two weeks or less!

Nurture Your Pet’s Health
You are probably like most of us thinking about your best pals being spoiled rotten. A bit over indulge another way to put it. It means you are constantly looking for new ways to make pet’s life as good a possible. Providing them with the best food is the first step you take when one day you find a little fuzzy ball snoozing on your lap.
Regardless of what diet commercial, raw or homemade you choose, you want to get maximum benefits from what you feed your pets. With Vibrant Pets®, you will be able to reach that goal.
High-Quality Nutritional Support
Owners Lee and Irina have been passionate about their pets, and the pets of their community, for over 25 years. Previously they owned a pet store in Purcellville, Virginia providing their community with high-grade dog food and other pet products. Since then they have founded Vibrant Pets® and The Doggie Wash, which has been voted the number one grooming salon in Loudoun County. During those years they have seen numerous unhealthy and injured pets.
Their owners were unhappy and frustrated and unable to find an ideal and affordable solution to keep their pets active, happy, and healthy. They decided to find a solution for these pets owners.